Support First Public Service Assistance
$3,000/launch service
As WELS Home Missions approves new mission starts as part of the 100 Missions in 10 Years initiative, additional grants of $3,000 per new start are provided to these home mission churches as they look to launch public worship in their community. These grants help support social media campaigns, advertising materials, service folders, welcome signs, and other creative ways that churches use to invite the community to their new church. Here are a couple examples of how these grants have been used it the past:
- Amazing Grace in Dickinson, N.D., launched public worship on October 15, 2023. They received a grant to help pay for social media advertising on Facebook, purchase cookies and branded items for the fellowship hour after their grand opening worship service, and stock their new kitchen with basic supplies to host future fellowship gatherings.
- Christ the Rock in Canton, GA, launched public worship on November 12, 2023. Since they’re setting up and taking down for worship every Sunday in a local elementary school gym, they received a grant to help offset costs associated with purchasing portable banner stands with their church branding, stackable chairs, a keyboard, and a laptop to run everything.
New mission congregations want the first service to be well-received and want to promote a warm invitation to their community. Your gifts will fund these needed preparations and encourage those who will expend countless hours of effort.