In the heart of East Africa, Lam Nhial Luak is equipping the next generation of church leaders. An ethnic Nuer Sudanese born in Ethiopia, Lam grew up in the Gambella refugee camp. As a young man, he became a Christian and felt called to share God’s Word with fellow refugees. This passion led him to theological training, culminating in his studies at Maor Lutheran Theological Seminary, operated by the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia, WELS’ sister church. Now, Lam is using his training to strengthen the Lutheran church in Gambella.
After completing his studies, Lam was ordained into a new teaching ministry in September 2024. Today, Lam leads critical pastoral training workshops for the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Sudan and Ethiopia (CELCESS), a church body with 28 congregations and approximately 14,000 members. Many CELCESS pastors faithfully serve their congregations but have little formal training. Lam’s workshops provide them with essential instruction in Luther’s Small Catechism, Old Testament History, and Introduction to Preaching
Each month, 14 congregational leaders attend these three-day workshops, held in two locations: Gambella Town and Kuergeng. WELS covers the costs of food, travel, and printed materials. The total cost to run these workshops is just $500 per month.
Your financial support ensures that these dedicated pastors continue receiving Biblical training, strengthening their ability to shepherd their congregations. Please consider partnering in this vital ministry to bring sound Lutheran teaching to thousands of Nuer Sudanese in Ethiopia and South Sudan.
Gifts given to support theological education workshops for the Nuer Sudanese in Ethiopia will be designated within the “Africa-Where needed most” fund. Any gifts given to this project above and beyond $6,000 will go towards general support of WELS world mission work in Africa.