Coloring Pages
Watch the Missionary Kid Q&A Video
Learn about existing home mission congregations
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about existing home mission congregations.
Visit and answer the following questions:
- How many Home Missions districts are there?
- How many home mission congregations does WELS Home Missions support?
- Using the interactive Google map found on the webpage, find a current home mission church in the South Central district. Who is their pastor? Visit their website to learn more about their home mission church.
- Using the interactive Google map found on the webpage, find a current home mission church in the Pacific Northwest district. Who is their pastor? Visit their website to learn more about their home mission church.
- Moments with Missionaries – Caleb Schultz (Cross of Life – Cross of Life – Mississauga, ON, Canada)
- Moments with Missionaries – Erik Janke (May River Lutheran Church – Bluffton, SC)
- Moments with Missionaries – Craig Wilke (Sure Foundation – Brandon, SD)
- Moments with Missionaries – Walther Family (Grace – Minot, ND)
- Moments with Missionaries – Jon Brohn (Christ the Rock – Farmington, NM)
- Moments with Missionaries – Stephen Koelpin and members (CrossView, Windsor, CO)
- Moments with Missionaries – Joel and Mary Heckendorf (Light of the Valleys, Reno, NV) Recorded live from Taste of Missions 2024
Teachers please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
- I Spy
- Crossword puzzle
Lord Jesus, you died for all to forgive our sins and give eternal life to all who believe in you, and we know that you want all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Bless our home mission churches and missionaries as they work to reach out to the people in their communities. We know that many obstacles can get in the way of their work, but we also know that you can use those obstacles to get your work done. Give our missionaries and their church members wisdom, patience, strength, and joy in their work, no matter how difficult it might be. Grant success to all their efforts so that more may know the peace and the hope that we have through you. In Jesus’ name we ask this, Amen.
Learn about the WELS 100 Missions in 10 Years initiative
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about the 100 Missions in 10 Years initiative.
- Click on one of the new missions approved in 2024. Read the description to learn about this new mission church.
- Click on one of the new enhancements approved in 2024. Read the description to learn about this new ministry.
- How many new mission starts have been approved so far towards our goal of planting 100 new churches by 2033?
- Go to the interactive timeline found at net/hmtimeline: What year(s) does a home mission church typically begin worship?
- Moments with Missionaries – Caleb King: Divine Savior – North Collin County/Celina, TX (Approved as new mission start in 2023, the first year of the 100 Missions in 10 Years initiative)
- Moments with Missionaries – Joseph Lindloff: Anchor – Marquette, MI (Approved as new mission start in 2023, the first year of the 100 Missions in 10 Years initiative)
- Complete joy over guilt: Marta and Wojtek’s story (Divine Savior – Delray Beach, FL)
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
- Maze
- Word search
Lord, you know that countless souls are still searching for the peace that transcends all understanding. You have commissioned us to find the lost and have equipped us with your Word and Sacraments and your faithful promises. You assure us that you are able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. Confident of these truths, we humbly and boldly ask for your rich blessing upon the 100 missions in 10 years initiative. Bless our current missionaries and the fields that they serve. Provide ample manpower, money, and ministry resources. Grant wisdom, strength, perseverance, and joy to all involved in this effort. In all we do, move all of us to see and do our part in spreading the gospel so that more may know your saving peace, all to your glory. Amen.
Learn about mission work in Africa
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about mission work in Africa.
- How many missionaries serve on the One Africa Team?
- Name two countries where the One Africa Team works with established church bodies.
- In how many African countries are TELL students located?
- Using the interactive Google map found on the webpage, click on one of the blue exploratory mission work locations. Learn about potential mission work in the country and identify which missionary is assigned as their liaison.
- Tanzanian Treasures: Leia Foxen is six years old and lives in Africa. Listen to her firsthand account of moving to Tanzania with her parents, who serve as WELS World Missionaries.
- Moments with Missionaries – Dan Kroll
- Moments with Missionaries – Joel Hoff
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
Lord of the nations, you have placed before WELS an enormous opportunity to reach out with the gospel to the people of Africa, who will account for one third of the world’s population by the end of this century. Please bless our efforts to train, equip, and facilitate the work of Confessional Lutheran church bodies across the continent. Continue to raise up faithful leaders who preach your gospel to their people and direct their hearts to your salvation which you have graciously prepared for every tribe, language, people, and nation on earth. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Learn about mission work in Asia Oceania
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about mission work in Asia Oceania.
- How many missionaries serve on the Asia Oceania Team?
- In what two countries are the Asia Oceania Team missionaries largely based in?
- What’s the name of the school that provides theological education throughout Asia Oceania?
- Which two missionaries recently relocated to Australia to begin outreach?
- Moments with Missionaries – Guy Marquardt
- Faces of Faith – Num (Hmong Outreach in Vietnam)
- Faces of Faith – Zag (Hmong Outreach in Vietnam)
- WELS Connection June 2024 – Regional Theological Education Program of Asia Lutheran Seminary
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
Lord of the Church, around the world there are billions of people still living in darkness. In many places served by the Asia Oceania Team, fewer than 3% of the population is Christian. We pray that your Word would bring light. Cause Christians to shine brightly with the message of your grace. Give our missionaries and partners boldness and courage to share their faith. Bless the training of church members and leaders that they may be equipped for service in your kingdom. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Learn about mission work in Europe
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about mission work in Europe.
- How many missionaries serve on the Europe mission team?
- Name two countries where the Europe mission team works with mission partners/established church bodies.
- Most European mission partners are a part of what worldwide fellowship of Lutherans?
- Using the interactive Google map found on the webpage, name the three cities where The Biblical Lutheran Church of the United Kingdom currently hosts weekly worship services.
- Moments with Missionaries – Luke and Jennifer Wolfgramm
- Visit Missionary Mike Hartman’s “Discover Hidden Gems” YouTube channel and select one of his videos.
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for countless blessings you have given us through European Christians who first sent gospel proclaimers to America. We worship you for crowning their efforts with success as we join in fellowship with believers across Europe. You have united us with brothers and sisters in Europe for one great mission – to share your good news with the world. Fill our souls with such joy that we cannot help but proclaim your promises. Help us find innovative ways to partner with our sister churches and bless our efforts to plant new congregations in London and the U.K. Send more workers into European mission fields, open hearts, and gather a great harvest of souls for eternal life. Hear us and bless us for the sake of your mercy. Amen.
Learn about mission work in Latin America
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about mission work in Latin America.
- How many missionaries serve on the One Latin America Team?
- Name the three levels of the Academia Cristo training program.
- How many students have enrolled in the Academia Cristo Self-Study Level of courses?
- In what three countries do One Latin America Team missionaries reside?
- Moments with Missionaries – Matt Behmer
- Faces of Faith – Argentina
- Moments with Missionaries – Abe Degner & Joel Sutton
- Moments with Missionaries – Nathan and Alyssa Schulte
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
Lord Jesus, please continue to bless the efforts of Academia Cristo to make disciples in Latin America by sharing the message of your saving grace with as many people as possible, training potential leaders, and encouraging those leaders to make disciples who plant churches. In this way we have reached millions of people with God’s Word in Latin America—and we thank you. We pray that you continue to send students who enroll in self-guided courses, then live classes, and then take steps to plant groups. Bless, encourage, and take away all obstacles facing missionaries, national partners, and the group leaders as they share God’s Word with others. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Learn about Native American mission work
Use any or all or the activities listed below to learn about Native American mission work.
- How many missionaries serve on the Native American mission team?
- Using the interactive Google map found on the webpage, name the two elementary schools located on the Apache reservations in Arizona.
- What’s the name of the program that provides theological education on the reservation?
- Which missionary conducts outreach in the Four Corners area of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado?
Please note: Answers keys included in teacher guide.
Lord of the harvest, we see many opportunities for gospel outreach in our country and the world. Please raise up strong Christian leaders among the Native American people for the advancement of your kingdom. Give wisdom to the missionaries as they make plans for outreach efforts. Bless the new Native American outreach to the Four Corners area of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. Give success to their efforts to reach more Native Americans with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Send your Holy Spirit to open the hearts of those who hear their message to believe your soul-saving Word. We pray this confident of your blessing, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Answers to all trivia questions and links to answer keys for various activities are found in the Teacher Guide from the Taste of Missions 2025 School Challenge